Sport Sciences Bachelor Curriculum Analysis Based on Students' Needs


1 associate professor-university of isfahan

2 Sport management group.Isfahan university.Isfahan.Iran



It is essential to update the educational fields and make changes to the
curriculum in accordance with the diverse needs of learners in different
dimensions. The purpose of this study was to analyze the Sport Sciences Bachelor
Curriculum Content based on students' needs. The study was applied and
descriptive in terms of purpose and method. The research design was a
combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches. Students’ academic,
personal, social, and occupational needs were selected from the results of studies
available in reliable scientific databases. The statistical sample in the qualitative
section was 16 sports science professors with a professor's degree. The statistical
sample in the quantitative part was the senior bachelor students in various sports
sciences majors in the state universities in 1401. Due to the lack of accurate
statistics on their number, based on the table of Karjesi and Morgan for the
unknown population, 384 people voluntarily completed the questionnaire as a
research sample from 18 public universities. The questionnaire was designed with
36 questions in four components. Its content validity was confirmed using
Cronbach's alpha test (0.93) after asking the opinions of 8 professors and experts
in sports sciences while carefully examining the research texts and literature.
Descriptive statistics methods (mean and standard deviation) and inferential
statistics methods were used for data analysis. The results showed that the
content of the sports science bachelor's course curriculum is less than the
average level of academic, personal, social, and occupational needs of the
students and does not meet the needs of the students in relation to the labor
market and their expectations. Moreover, there was a difference between the
theoretical courses offered in the undergraduate course and students' needs.


Volume 1, Issue 2
January 2028
Pages 120-137
  • Receive Date: 16 May 2023
  • Revise Date: 16 July 2023
  • Accept Date: 25 July 2023