Identifying the Benefits of the "School as a Neighborhood Educational Center" Project from the Perspective of the Cooperative Groups (Case Study: Elementary Schools in Mahabad County)

Document Type : Original Article


1 .A. in Curriculum Development of Islamic azad university of Mahabad, Mahabad, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of education department, Islamic azad university of Mahabad, Mahabad, Iran



This research aimed to recognize the benefits of the "School as a Neighborhood Educational
Center" project from the perspective of the cooperative groups of elementary schools in
Mahabad County. The present research was carried out using a qualitative approach and a
phenomenological method. The participants of this research were the cooperative groups
of elementary schools in Mahabad County, 10 of which were selected through targeted and
snowball sampling and interviewed in this research. The research tool was a semistructured interview, the validity of which was obtained through a long engagement,
individual review by members, and obtaining information from the homogeneity. The
reliability of the interview was also calculated through the preparation and application of a
written framework for the interview. This framework was used in all interviews after
experts approved it and ensured its effectiveness in covering the objectives. The thematic
analysis method was used to analyze the data. The results of the interviews from the
support groups of elementary schools in Mahabad County regarding the benefits of the
school plan as a neighborhood educational center revealed that there are twenty-six basic
themes and six organizing themes, including social development, improving the connection
between the school and the neighborhood, improving the quality of learning, increasing the
productivity of the neighborhood, the growth of the school's effectiveness, and the
promotion of the financial cycle. Moreover, regarding the factors affecting the optimal
implementation of the school plan as a neighborhood educational center, thirty-three basic
themes and three organizing themes were found, namely human factors, structural factors,
and extra-organizational factors. Additionally, regarding the implementation problems and
challenges of the school plan as a neighborhood educational center, nine basic themes and
four organizing themes, including lack of extra-organizational support, structural
obstacles, cognitive problems, and the challenge of connecting the school and the
neighborhood, were obtained. The general result of this study indicates that this project
strengthens the connection between the school and the neighborhood and improves the
learning and educational capacities of the school and the neighborhood


Volume 1, Issue 2
January 2028
Pages 85-99
  • Receive Date: 02 February 2023
  • Revise Date: 07 March 2023
  • Accept Date: 23 April 2023