Assessment of the Content of the Fourth-Grade Mathematics Textbook According to the Indicators of the TIMSS Test

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor, Department of management and educational planning ,University of Sistan & Baluchestan, Zahedan,Iran

2 Master of mathematics education, secondary school teacher, Zahedan, Iran.



The purpose of this study is to evaluate the content of the elementary school’s
fourth-grade mathematics textbook according to the Timss test indicators. The
descriptive research method and target population included the content of the
fourth-grade mathematics textbook. The sample size included all the content of
the textbook. To collect data, a researcher-made checklist was used to compare
the content of the fourth-grade math textbook with the TIMSS test documents
in both content and cognitive domains. The face validity of the degree of
conformity of the content of the math textbook in the fourth grade with the
degree of content and cognitive growth and the mental capabilities of the
learners of that grade was confirmed with the indicators of the TIMSS test. The
correlation coefficient was 0/84, and reliability showed the degree of
compliance. The collected data was analyzed using percentage and frequency
indicators. Results revealed that there needs to be more concordance between
the content of the fourth-grade math textbook in Iran and the content dimension
of the TIMSS test, and all the sub-sections need to be covered. The section of
numbers and its sub-sections fully present arithmetic computational and
numbers in the textbook. However, the materials in the geometric shapes and
measurements section, especially the material related to data representation in
the textbook, could be presented better. Moreover, the other findings of this
research in the cognitive dimension showed that the content of the mathematics
textbook in the cognitive field is mainly devoted to the topics of knowledge, then
to applications, and finally, a small part of it is dedicated to reasoning, and it does
not fully comply with the contents of the Timss test.


Volume 1, Issue 2
January 2028
Pages 32-55
  • Receive Date: 14 February 2023
  • Revise Date: 15 March 2023
  • Accept Date: 07 April 2023