Identify the components and sub-components of the futuristic curriculum and analyze its place in the upstream documents of education

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor, Departmant of Education, Shahed university

2 MA in Curriculum Studies, Shahed university



The aim of this study was to identify the components and sub-components of the futuristic curriculum and analyze its place in the upstream documents of education.The method of descriptive research included: documentary analysis and content analysis and its applied approach. The research population is in the documentary analysis section of all texts related to the futuristic curriculum and in the content analysis section are four upstream documents of the education system; Due to the nature of the subject, sampling was omitted and the whole population was examined. Form measurement tools, phishing and content analysis checklists have been developed by the researcher. Qualitative data and content analysis data were analyzed using descriptive indicators in Shannon entropy analysis process.The results showed: The conceptual framework of the futuristic curriculum can be shown in five components: multicultural, citizenship, information and communication technology, art and aesthetic, and sexual education. The degree of attention to the components of the futuristic curriculum varies in the upstream documents, so that the most emphasis is on the component of "art and aesthetics" and the least emphasis is on the component of "information and communication technology" and "sex education".Among the studied documents, the highest importance was related to the 20-year vision document (/439) and the lowest was related to the comprehensive scientific map of the country (/232). It is necessary for the authors of upstream documents to pay more attention to the less emphasized components and sub-components.


Volume 1, Issue 1 - Serial Number 1
January 2028
Pages 18-36
  • Receive Date: 06 November 2021
  • Revise Date: 18 December 2021
  • Accept Date: 15 January 2022